Stopson Italiana Vent Silencers soundproofs the Cold Flow Turbine Test Facility, one of the most world-class avionics project
5 Steam Vent Silencers successfully installed in Poland in the world’s most modern laboratory for aeronautical turbine test.
Industrial soundproofing covers various sectors and applications. Thanks to its expertise, Stopson Italiana is able to provide turnkey service in the acoustic insulation applied to Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Marine and Avio sectors.
For this latter, several noteworthy installations have been delivered. Among these a huge supply of vent silencers with their respective jet air turbine test chambers has been developed to for GE Avio.
The installation of “PoloniAero” was inaugurated at the end of 2015, and it still represents a unique example of cooperation between universities and industry. The structure – one of the largest and most avant-garde laboratories in the world – was financed by EU funds. The objective is the turbine test for low pressure (and next-generation) aeronautical engines, as well as technological demonstrators used for the construction of aeronautical engines.
The Cold Flow Turbine Test Facility combines the scientific expertise of Poland with the aerospace industry innovation. The partners of the Polish Aero scientific-industrial company are Avio Aero, Military Aircraft Works No. 4, the Warsaw University of Technology and the Military University of Technology. The ultimate goal of the choral project concerns the development of aerospace industry activities, including aeronautical turbine testing.
Stopson Vent Silencers are designed to reduce the noise level of exhaust pipes in the atmosphere for pressurized gaseous fluids. They can be installed downstream of any device that acts as a connection between a pressurized gaseous fluid reservoir and the atmosphere. The Steam Vent Silencer can also provide a high or low backpressure to ensure the proper operation of the system.
Noise reduction is achieved by two principles: a reactive section, useful for attenuating low frequencies; and a high frequency absorption section possible by inserting a sound-absorbing material.
Ventilation silencers can be reactive, absorbent or combined, according to the applications and required attenuation, which can reach up to 75 dB (A).
Typical applications for vent silencers are:
- Safety Valve (PSV)
- Ventilation Valve (PRV)
- Control valve
- Ejector
- Starting valve
- Snort valve
- Flash and Blow Down Tanks
To see all the features in detail, visit Stopson Italiana Vent Silencers page.
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