Stopson Italiana Acoustic Enclosures delivered to Trigeneration plant in Dovera, Northern Italy

No. 3 Acoustic Enclosures to soundproof trigeneration plant

Trigeneration plant – Dovera: The new combined electricity and thermal power generation plant, consisting mainly of a 1,200 kW internal combustion engine, a recovery boiler, and a lithium bromide absorber for the generation of chilled water. This package will ensure a more efficient and competitive operation, allowing a reduction of energy costs and a lower environmental impact.

The electricity generated and the thermal energy. will be fully used by the production site, with significant savings both economically and in terms of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. This plant will allow a reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by about 14.5%, compared to separate production. The importance of meeting environmental requirements is well known to management, who decided to partner with Stopson Italiana for soundproofing the plant.

The new plant is among the most modern available today, and it needed to be paired with custom soundproofing products to keep up performance and ensure noise reduction.

The project – which has been recently completed – includes the supply of N°3 Acoustic Enclosures featuring the following characteristics:

  • N° 1 Load-bearing Monobloc Enclosure for Cogenerator:
    Dimensions: Width mm 3.000 – Length mm 14.200 – Height mm 3.000
  • N° 1 Load-bearing Monobloc Enclosure for Transformer
    Dimensions: Width mm 3.000 – Length mm 3.150 – Height mm 3.000
  • N° 1 Removable Enclosure for Absorber
    Dimensions: Width mm 4.500 – Length mm 11.400 – Height mm 3.500


In addition to having soundproofing characteristics, the sound-absorbing material provides the structure with properties of incombustibility and inalterability. The structure was designed by a team of structural engineers to withstand different weight levels and any seismic risks too.

The soundproof cabin guarantees a residual average sound pressure level in the free field of 65 dB(A), measured at 10 meters from the cabin.

Stopson Italiana Solutions – Acoustic Enclosures


Stopson Italiana has been present for decades in the world market of soundproofing as one of the leading producers of acoustic enclosure and control cabins.

The soundproofing solutions reduce noise pollution due to various sources, including the main turbines, auxiliary engines, internal combustion engines and generating sets, mobile power generators (mounted on trailers) for the production of electricity, cogeneration plants, natural gas compression units, starting and vacuum pumps, blowers, fans, mills, presses, vibrating devices, power transformers, and boilers.

Stopson Italiana’s Acoustic Enclosures feature:

  • Noise reduction from 15dB(A) to 65dB(A) +
  • Vibration dampers, anti-shock systems with sound emission control settings
  • Combustion air intake unit with optional air filtration
  • Removal of exhaust gases from combustion engines
  • Internal / external applications
  • Natural, induced or forced ventilation system
  • Integrated lighting, fire protection systems, air conditioning
  • Modular solutions
  • Easy access for operation and maintenance with removable panels or sliding hoods
  • Installation service

⟶ For More Information about Enclosures click HERE 

Turbines and Noise Control

Gas and Steam Turbines noise considerations and solutions

Electrical power consumption has increased rapidly in the past years and consequently, the need for many large power plants has increased. A form of power generation that has emerged is the gas turbine, which has a wide range of applications such as pipeline transmissions of fuels (gas compressors and liquid pumpers), process power plants, peak load electrical power generation, and more recently baseload electrical power generation utilizing a combined cycle of steam and gas. Parallel to this rapid industrial growth and in reaction against it, concern for the protection of the environment has grown, manifesting itself through the issuance of ordinances and recommendations on local, national, and international levels.

Turbines generated noise types

In a standard modular unit, there are various noise sources, here classified into 5 groups according to the location where they are generated: Aerodynamic, Magnetic, Mechanical, Combustion, and Hydraulic:


The origin of this noise is the direct excitation of the air or gas by a flowing medium or the interaction of the flow with fixed or movable obstacles within the turbines themselves. This type of noise usually comes from:

  • Flange-to-Flange
  • Vent
  • Gas Valves

Although these noises do not always constitute a major source in the overall noise generated by a power station, their presence is not tolerated because of the pure tone at 100 Hz of their sound power. These noises result from alternating magnetic forces due to electrical current and involve in general the generator and the transformer.


The mechanical noise that does occur results from a slight unbalance bearing friction, rotational impulses, and torque transmission, in the case of load gear. However, due to the quality of the rotating components and the precision manufacturing required for gas turbines, low sound emissions are generated.
The average low vibration levels measured at the installations underscore the general manufacturing quality of this equipment.


Combustion noises, rich in low frequencies, depending on different turbine’s assets: the quantity of the heat released, the geometry of the flame, the nature of the fuel, and the type of fuel nozzle used.


The generation mechanism of this type of noise is the same as for aerodynamic noises with the additional problem of possible cavitation. The high-pressure fuel pump and the flow divider constitute point power sources close to 110 dBA. At some representative complexes, it was observed that their noise was conducted along with the fuel piping, which acted as a line source.


The large number and variety of noise sources force plant operators to face hard challenges when trying to find a comprehensive solution for noise coming from gas (or steam) turbines.

Soundproofing your Turbine

The easiest solution would be to wrap the equipment with an acoustic enclosure and solve the problem right at the source. It might not be as easy as it sounds, acoustic enclosures are not standard products and are often customized on clients/equipment needs. Not just that, noise control plans are inclined to be comprehensive for the operation complex as a whole and not just for the turbine itself.

Due to the vast amount of noise sources within the turbine and the variety of noise types that they spring, the most cost-effective approach is a comprehensive noise program, to take place with a specialized partner able to provide custom and complete soundproofing solutions.

Selecting a trustable partner that is specialized in specific products in the field of power plant noise reduction is the ideal answer to the challenges you are facing. Approaching the consultation path with a leading industrial and environmental noise control manufacturer is the quickest and most effective way to solve complex noise mitigation challenges.

Stopson Italiana has worked nationally and internationally for 50+ years with plant processing engineers and their consulting teams to provide accurate and cost-efficient, site-wide noise assessments and mitigation solutions for industrial sectors such as Power Generation plants.





Stopson Italiana solutions


Stopson Italiana represents an A-Z solution to control noise in Power plants. Innovative engineering and design solutions deal with practical challenges when implementing our soundproofing systems.

Working on-site with HSE, Operation, and Plant Managers, we believe that effective noise control is a cooperative process between Stopson Italiana and our clients. From initial assessment and noise sources identification to the final result, we provide tailor-made noise control solutions that fulfill the needs of our customers and their industries.


⟶ For More Information about Stopson Italiana soundproofing offer click HERE 

Stopson Italiana’s Enclosures soundproof the new Grastim trigeneration plant

4 Acoustic Enclosures installed to Ferentino energy plant (FR – Italy). A solution consisting of a 2.7 MW engine, a recovery boiler, and an absorption system.

Grastim chooses Stopson Italiana’s solutions for the soundproofing of the new Ferentino plant, owned by Froneri.
The joint venture between Nestlè and R&R has – in facts – allocated to the company specialized in efficiency for the industry, a considerable amount for the supply of the energy service within the European Gelato Motta pole.

The typology of the plant is “trigeneration”, a particular field of cogeneration systems. In addition to producing electricity, it allows the use of thermal energy recovered from the thermodynamic transformation, also to produce refrigerating energy, that is chilled water for air conditioning or for industrial processes, up to a temperature of -60 degrees.

The plant is equipped with a 2.7 MW motor, recovery boiler and an ammonia absorption plant. Thanks to it, Froneri will save significant annual energy cost, reducing CO2 emissions.

The installation – completed at the end of 2018 – concerns 4 enclosures with different applications:

  • N.1 Acoustic Enclosure for cogenerator
  • N.1 Acoustic Enclosure for air outlet and tank room
  • N.1 Acoustic Enclosure for air exhaust silencer
  • N.1 Insulated Enclosure for auxiliaries


With dimensions 13.3 x 3.1 x 3.5 m (Length x Width x Height), the main soundproof cabin is designed to be installed outside on a concrete floor. The structure is made of galvanized carbon steel sheet, containing a rock wool mat, and protected by an expanded galvanized carbon steel sheet.

The sound-absorbing material – in addition to having soundproofing characteristics – provides properties of rot-proofness, incombustibility and unalterability. The structure was designed by a team of structural engineers to withstand different weight levels and any seismic risks too.

The soundproof cabin guarantees a residual average sound pressure level in the free field of 65 dB(A), measured at 10 meters from the cabin and 1.5 meters from the floor.


Stopson Italiana has been present for decades in the world market of soundproofing as one of the leading producers of acoustic enclosure and control cabins.

The soundproofing solutions reduce noise pollution due to various sources, including the main turbines, auxiliary engines, internal combustion engines and generating sets, mobile power generators (mounted on trailers) for the production of electricity, cogeneration plants, natural gas compression units, starting and vacuum pumps, blowers, fans, mills, presses, vibrating devices, power transformers and boilers.


Stopson Italiana’s enclosures offer:

  • Noise reduction from 15dB (A) to 50dB (A) +
  • Vibration dampers, anti-shock systems with sound emission control settings
  • Combustion air intake unit with optional air filtration
  • Removal of exhaust gases from combustion engines
  • Internal / external applications
  • Natural, induced or forced ventilation system
  • Integrated lighting, fire protection systems, air conditioning
  • Modular solutions
  • Easy access for operation and maintenance with removable panels or sliding hoods
  • Installation service


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