Stopson Italiana supplied Pulse-Jet Filter houses and Soundproofing Equipment for Blower packages in Egypt
No. 2 Air Intake systems with self-cleaning filters, inlet silencers and ducts, acoustic enclosures, discharge silencers, including control system with related inlet silencers recently commissioned at the “Ain-Sokhna Phosphatic Fertilizer Complex” near the Red Sea.
The project – recently installed – entails the supply of several components joined together. The main item is represented by a system of n.2 auto-cleaning filters, designed taking into consideration the high presence of dust in the site. In addition to this, n.2 Duct silencers, n.2 Acoustic Enclosures, and n.4 Discharge Silencers complete the project.
These latter are the ideal solution for noise reduction caused by gas pulsation in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
The multidisciplinary nature of the project has been turned into a challenging research and design work, carried out successfully by the Stopson Italiana engineering team. Indeed each component has been customized in order to be assembled and working in non-ordinary climatic condition. It is also noteworthy that Stopson Italiana has been designed as responsible both for the release of the electro-instrumental parts and the control panels of the system.
The project – of which the installation is underway in these days – consists in the following units:
- 2 Filter house pulse jet type for a flow of 172189 Nm3/h
- 2 Inlet and Duct Silencer from filter house to blowers
- 2 Acoustic Enclosure for blowers
- 4 Exhaust Silencers on blowers discharge
The acoustic warranty covers 82 dbA SPL, at 1m from each unit supplied.
This Sulphuric Acid Plant is a part of a contract that represents half of the total Fertilizers Complex built at Ain Sokhna, which is the biggest complex ever built in the fertilizers sector in Egypt.
The project aims to cover the local market’s fertilizer needs and export surplus production. The cluster includes n.9 major factories with a production capacity of 1m tons/y of phosphate and compound fertilizers, Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and pure and commercial phosphoric acid. The whole plant has been implemented by three companies specialized in building the largest phosphate fertilizer factories in the world using Italian, Spanish and Chinese technology.
With this recent achievement, Stopson Italiana re-confirm its capability to provide “one-stop-shop option” for complex equipment packages covering the entire range of product related to air inlet and filtration system, soundproofing solutions for either in duct and break-out noise and control system implementation.
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